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When it comes to Actors Who Completly Changed Their Bodies to get a massive movie role look no further than the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It isn’t just about acting chops and dashing smiles, but a lot more. For a character to be revered from all walks of life and receive love from all generations, it takes a little more than that. I am talking about the superhero physique that almost every Marvel star had to develop when they were called for an audition by the studios.

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It is a very challenging job to get in shape for an actor, and some people do not even think about how hard this side work can become for an actor. Almost all of your favorite Marvel actors work their asses off and follow a strict diet for months and months to achieve the results they desire. We’ve compiled some of the most impressive transformations of actors in the Marvel Universe who have Completly Changed Their Bodies, their lives, and also their careers.

Chris Pratt

Actors Who Completly Changed Their Bodies

Fans of Chris Pratt may be familiar with him from the sitcom Parks and Recreation in which he plays a character named Andy Dwyer, who is silly, funny, and has a pudgy body, like a teddy bear. He entered the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the form of an insanely chiseled Peter Quill of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Chris Pratt’s transformation hasn’t just consisted of dropping 70 pounds and packing on tons of muscle, but he also transformed himself from a funny friend into the leader of his team of superheroes. In order to achieve Peter Quill’s shape, he says he spends four hours a day working out and follows a strict health regime which includes eating lots of proteins and vegetables as well as giving up alcohol completely.

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Chris Hemsworth

The industry has long known Chris Hemsworth as a hunk. However, the fact that he was cast as the Norse God of Thunder in the Marvel Cinematic Universe gave him a boost in his charisma. As of right now, Chris Hemsworth has started to exercise six times a week. However, he claims that every single time that he lifts the hammer for Marvel Studios, he puts on 20 extra pounds of muscle simply by eating a lot more and lifting heavier weights. He had to add a whopping 10 kgs of pure muscle on his body in order to play the role of a fat drunkard in the new Avengers movie, and the directors wanted him to have real fat on his face.

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Robert Downey, Jr.

In the early 2000s, Robert Downey Jr’s career trajectory was on a downward trend after he was arrested for drug offenses and spent time in and out of jail several times. Robert Downey Jr., the pick of Jon Favreau to represent the MCU from the very beginning, stayed miles away from the fitness scene. As a result of getting cast for the role of Iron Man, which required him to get into shape, his life changed forever. The superhero role gave him the opportunity to work out his body, which improved his lifestyle and helped him lead a healthier lifestyle. It has been reported that R.D.J. has reprised his Iron Man role a total of nine times, earning him the nickname “the Godfather of the MCU”.

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Chris Evans

Actors Who Completly Changed Their Bodies

After watching his role in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Kevin Feige noticed Chris Evans’ performance as Lucas Lee and offered to give him the role of Captain America. Well, it’s hard not to remember the ultimate body transformation that Captain Steve Rodgers went through in the first Captain America movie when the pod unlocked. He has trained for months to get the jacked look which we see him in, and is said to have done extensive weight training to bulk up his body in preparation for the role of Captain America. Evans did not only undergo muscle training but Evans is also said to have combined gymnastics and aerobics as part of his preparation for the role, which required him to be extremely agile and fast. The actor played the role with such naturality that it was difficult to tell the difference between the character and himself.

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Jeremy Renner

Actors Who Completly Changed Their Bodies

Even though Jeremy Renner might not have undergone the most drastic body transformation out of the bunch, he had to ensure that his archery skills and physical condition were above par for his role as Hawkeye. It seems that Renner trained with Olympic archers to be able to cope with the role and learn combat techniques to help him deal with the role. The other day, when discussing his routine, he said, “You’re up at four o’clock in the morning and you work out for eight hours, and you work out, and you fight, and you stretch, and you do all this stuff because it’s what you do, it’s your job.”. But I am not doing that if I am not working.”.

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Chadwick Boseman

Actors Who Completly Changed Their Bodies

It was said that although the late actor may not have been able to bulk up to the size of Michael B. Jordan in Black Panther, he was said to have worked really really hard in preparation of his role as King T’Challa. In addition to being in good shape, Boseman started working out for four hours per day in order to gain muscle for his character. In order to imitate excellent hand-to-hand combat techniques, he took lessons in capoeira, karate, kung-fu, and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. In his words, Chadwick said, “The physical part of the movie is what makes it fun for me and what helps me to get inside the character. I will begin to feel that spirit coming out.”

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Paul Rudd

Actors Who Completly Changed Their Bodies

Throughout the series, Paul Rudd did not have a lot of opportunities to show off his ripped form, which he put a lot of effort into getting into. Rudd has indeed done a commendable job at the age of 46 to get into the shape of being a superhero. According to Rudd, in an interview, he simply eliminated everything fun from his life for a year to be a hero. It is for this reason that he completely eliminated all carbs, red meat, refined sugar, and alcohol from his diet. In addition to his workout routine of a daily 30 minute run, Paul Rudd said he has always been the type of person who wants results without the effort.

Out of all these transformations, which one did you find most impressive?

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