1120146 1 0511 Golden Globes standard
1120146 1 0511 Golden Globes standard

The Golden Globes the prestigious Awards show that is largely the members of the Hollywood foreign press getting to meet their favourite stars and having a drink with them, and Ricky Gervais getting to do the most expensive roast on tv. Why then has it gone so wrong?

According to The Organisers, they have been engaging in discriminatory practices, accepting “freebies,” and other ethical lapses. The LA Times revealed that there was no black people among the organisation’s 87 members who vote for the awards. Many of the celebs have come out of the woodwork and hopped on the bandwagon that has started to pick up speed. Including Black Widow herself, Scarlett Johansson a five time nominee has said to boycott the organization unless it makes significant internal changes.

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Golden Globes In Hot Water

HFPA members made sexist remarks and questions that bordered on sexual harassment, said the 36-year-old. Unless there is fundamental reform within the organization, it is time we took a step back from the HFPA and focused on the importance and strength of unity among our unions and the industry as a whole. In a social media post on Friday, the Incredible Hulk said that HFPA reforms were ‘discouraging’ after hearing the call for Widows to assemble. “It is time to take responsibility for the mistakes we made in the past,” he said. “Honestly, I’m not thrilled about winning a Golden Globe” Netflix CEO Ted Sarandos said he would put the relationship on ice “until more changes can be made.” I believe it’s safe to conclude that the Golden Globes are in trouble.

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